*I am currently Updating this page !*

*I am currently Updating this page !*

I just wish this guy was Family...
But one can dream... *sigh*
And for those that don't know him, He's my Hero
*Michael Crawford* the one and only *Phantom*
Yes... believe it or not, some people still ask who it is !!!

Ok guys the pic you've been waiting for
its meeeeeeeeeee :-)
Yep I really am a red head ( okkk ... with some extra red and copper highlights thrown in )
Now what do I tell about me? Besides the obvious that I'm an obsessed Phantom Fan !
read on if your really bored

This pic was taken September 2004
I'm the redhead and the gorgeous man is my Fiance Mark ( some will know him as Dorm, some as other names, but children could be reading this :|

Ok for those that don't know me, I live in Melbourne Australia.
Which I reckon is the best state in Aussie :-)
Of course there will be some that don't agree, but that's cause they don't live here.. :0
Then again I've been lucky to have found Paradise, and moving to
the great state of New South Wales sounds good at the moment :)
Now that is something I thought I would neverrrrrrrr say !!!
I live with my 2 sons (who are pictured down below) and my Mum :-)
Now what are my hobbies?, would you believe the puter... :-)
and of course music and musicals, I used to love to read a lot, But who has time for that now
I also used to do part time photography, now I just do it for fun, It's kinda nice having my weekends back.
So most of the time you will find me on line, I love to chat and play games, and learn new things about the puter. Like what I'm doing now :-)
I've amazed myself in making this home page..!!!

And its great to keep on learning lots of new things.
Which has made me think of my sister who I lost to breast cancer 3 years ago. She always tried something new, and never let anything beat her.
She was an inspiration to all that knew her, and Janine I'm going to keep on learning ... Just like you.
And to all those that read my page. Please remember,
*Life is just too short to sweat the small stuff*.
Don't worry about what you haven't got.
Enjoy what you have now
*Cause you can't take it with you*.

Meet Son number one *Mark* and yes he's blonde!!!
Mark was 25 in August, my god where has the time gone, I can't believe how quick the years have passed.

Currently updating this space :)

Meet Son number two *Matt* Isn't that a cheeky face !
Matt was born a week early, and has been on the go ever since :|
Matt was 20 in April, how the time has passed so quickly once more.
( I'm sure he was only 14 when I started this site !!! )

You always know where Matt is, you don't have to see him...
They say he has his mothers voice, Now do I seem like a loud person to you?
He does have his mothers sense of humour that's for sure, and is always wearing that cheeky grin.
Matt just loved his sport, He did play Rep Basketball on Friday nights, Basketball on Saturday mornings, and Football on Sundays. His team won the Grand Final in 2002

Matt has always been the dare devil!!
Yes... can remember him having a broken arm when he was at kindergarten, and that was just jumping off a crate...!!!

Matts time is now taken up with working, and playing in a band "October Powder" as their drummer, check out their website "October Powder"

Never lose that sense of humour Matt
Another fine young man I'm proud to call my son.

This pic was taken a few years ago...
It's one of my favourites of the 2 of them :-)

I also took this a few years ago,
*Centerfold* material maybe..???

*Sigh*...I'm still dreaming..
One of my favourite pics of Michael.

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